
Automating the World Around Me

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Microsoft Build Session – Microsoft Build was 100% virtual for 2020. All of the sessions can be found on its site for free. Lots of great content to binge watch. A future post listing the sessions I found most useful to me is coming.

Intro to Azure Blueprints – This is a good thorough intro to the Blueprints service. This service can be very useful if you need to create environments or even subscriptions in a repeatable way. It is still technically in preview but has been around for over a year and many are using them.

Azure Conditional Access Policies – This is a good primer for those looking into securing their Azure environment. Check it out to reinforce what you may have already done or should be doing in your own environment.

Event Hub Introduction – A YouTube video by Adam Marczak that teaches what Event Hubs are and how they are used.

Event Grid Introduction – Another YouTube intro video by Adam Marczak. This time for Event Grids.

Serverless DB Computing with Cosmos DB and Functions – A quick YouTube video describing the binding that can be created with an Azure Function and Cosmos DB.

Azure Architecture Center – This is the official Azure Architecture site where you can numerous different architecture guides across the Azure ecosystem as well DevOps. Therefore, this is a must when designing an architecture for a new solution or framework.

Introducing App Service Static Web Apps – A new service that seems to blend an App Service features with a Storage Account’s static website capabilities. At this time, it seems to be deployed by GitHub Actions and not Azure DevOps. I would expect in the future AzDO will be capable to integrate with this service.

Azure DevOps

All about Azure Pipelines – There are a bunch of links to a series of how-to articles relating to Azure Pipelines written by Eric Anderson. Lots of YAML references to brush up on. The link points to his Reddit post because his last blog post is the only one that includes the other article links.

Infrastructure as Code with Terraform and AzDO – This is a getting started with Terraform and AzDO pipelines. Definitely a good kickstart for those doing it for the first time.


Terraform Functions, Expressions and Loops – The layout and examples Terraformprovided for these various Terraform features is helpful. The official Terraform documentation describing these items can be a bit sparse on examples and info.

Extracting Terraform Outputs in Azure Pipelines – Running Terraform templates in Azure Pipelines can be a quick way to integrate IaC code into application deployments. However, after the infrastructure is deployed from the pipeline, you may want to know the resources that were created to reference later in the pipeline. This post does a good job of explaining how to do that.

Safe Terraform with AzDO – There are lots of basics for Terraform sprinkled in here but there are some very good talking points when attempting to adopt Azure Pipelines as your primary pipeline solutions with Terraform. This touches on safety of deploying and security of your secrets within Terraform.

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